Journalist Report – October 30th


Bienvenidos, aquí está nuestra casa Marciana.

Sol 0

Bajo un sol marciano ardiente, por fin llegamos a la base de MDRS, después del viaje liderado por David, nuestro Commander. A continuación descargamos y entramos con ilusión a nuestra nueva casa marciana, como dice Andrea, la HSO de la crew.

¡Nos esperaba un comienzo apasionante!

Nuestras emociones seguían a flor de piel, y juntos, recorrimos la base con diligencia y finalmente realizamos los chequeos técnicos con destreza, principalmente, los dispositivos de seguridad y la salud de los tripulantes, necesarios para complir con la CapCom, y así iniciar nuestra simulación con éxito.

Concluimos la pre-misión con la imagen de la tripulación y nuestras banderas ondeantes, capturando así toda la alegría del día!

Sol 1

6:30 am, el día se levantó con el cielo espectacular en MDRS y seguíamos con la adrenalina al 100%, gracias a nuestro XO and Astronomer, Luis, con su excitante propuesta para observar a simple vista la Estación Espacial Tiangong, él capturó el momento eterno y vibrante en una foto.

8:30 am David elaboró el planning y nos recordó las tareas que habíamos acordado para el día de hoy.

10 am En el desayuno, Andrea nos sirvió huevos revueltos con esmero, mientras compartimos palabras sinónimas de nuestro distintos países de habla hispana, en un ambiente sincero. Sus consejos de hidratación también fueron indispensables.

11 am En Marte donde los sueños se entrelazan y nuestras mentes se agudizan, los proyectos se llenan de creatividad y la emoción se eleva, compartida.

En la mesa los portátiles sacan humo para escribir nuestros EVAs request, paralelamente, el GreenHab Officer, Andrés y el Engineer, Tomás, se preparan bien para llevar a cabo sus arduos proyectos.

14pm Entre conversaciones y risas de la crew, la diversión se expande en la cocina marciana, donde con ingenio y pasión desbordante, nuestro "Chef" Engineer Tomás, despliega su arte en los platos que nos sirve para degustar llenándonos de fuerza y alimentándonos el alma.

16h En la vastedad de Marte, la Tierra se recuerda con nostalgia, y en el corazón del Commander y el XO, recuerdos. Sus palabras e historias nos hacen más amenos y livianos estos momentos.

Su responsabilidad pesa como la gravedad, pero la emoción de dejar una marca perdura, y con cada logro, cada avance, se revela el esfuerzo conjunto.
La simpatía y unión se entrelazan en las felicitaciones y apoyos de nuestro Commander, tejiendo así vínculos y gestos de amistad entre la tripulación.

Escrito por Marina Buqueras, Journalist Crew 285, MDRS.


Welcome, here is our Martian home.

Sol 0

Under a scorching Martian sun, we finally arrived at the MDRS base after the journey led by David, our Commander. We unloaded and eagerly entered our new Martian home, as stated by Andrea, the crew’s HSO.

An exciting beginning awaited us!

Our emotions remained on edge, together, we diligently toured the base and finally performed technical checks with skill, primarily on the safety devices and the health of the crew, necessary to comply with Capcom, and thus successfully initiate our simulation

We concluded the pre-mission with the image of the crew and our fluttering flags, capturing all the joy of the day!

Sol 1

6:30 am, the day rose with the spectacular Martian sky at MDRS, and we were still at 100% adrenaline, thanks to our XO and Astronomer, Luis, with his exciting proposal to observe the Tiangong Space Station with the naked eye. He captured the eternal and vibrant moment in a photo.

8:30 am David created the plan and reminded us of the tasks we had agreed upon for the day.

10 am At breakfast, Andrea served scrambled eggs with care, while we shared synonymous words from our various Spanish-speaking countries in a sincere atmosphere. Your hydration tips were also indispensable.

11 am On Mars, where dreams intertwine and our minds sharpen, projects brim with creativity and excitement, shared among us. Laptops on the table are working overtime to draft our EVA requests, while the Green Hab Officer, Andrés, and the Engineer, Tomás, prepare themselves for their challenging projects.

2 pm Amidst crew conversations and laughter, the fun expands in the Martian kitchen, where with ingenuity and overflowing passion, our "Chef" Engineer Tomás showcases his art in the dishes he serves for us to taste, filling us with strength and nourishing our souls.

4 pm In the vastness of Mars, Earth is remembered with nostalgia, and in the hearts of the Commander and the XO, memories. Their words and stories make these moments more pleasant and light.

Their responsibility weighs like gravity, but the excitement of leaving a mark lingers, and with each achievement, each progress, the collective effort is revealed. Sympathy and unity intertwine in the congratulations and support from our Commander, thus weaving bonds and gestures of friendship among the crew.

Written by Marina Buqueras, Journalist Crew 285, MDRS.

Sol Summary – October 30th

Summary Title: Waking up on Mars.
Author’s name: David Mateus
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: At 6:50 a.m., four crew members woke up to witness the transit of the Chinese space station, Tiangong. By 8:00 a.m., breakfast was served, following which the crew began outlining the EVAs for the subsequent day. We also conducted a comprehensive food inventory, ensuring optimal resource distribution for the mission, and crafted AI-assisted meal plans. Our crew astronomer analyzed the data from the images captured using the robotic observatory. Overall, each crew member acquainted themselves with their roles and initiated their projects.
Look Ahead Plan: Perform our first EVAs and start our EVA projects.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Clear skies during the morning
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: none to report
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Astronomy Report, Operations Report, Green Hab Report, EVA request 1, EVA request 2.
Support Requested: None

Operations Report – October 30th

SOL: 1
Name of person filing report: Tomás Ignacio Burroni
Non-nominal systems: None
Notes on non-nominal systems: N/A
Spirit rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: N/A
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 30 gallons
Water (static tank): 455 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on
Static tank heater (On or off): off
Toilet tank emptied: no
Summary of internet: Briefly stopped working shortly after being activated, at 1810. Started working again after ~2 min without intervention.
Summary of suits and radios: No comments
Summary of GreenHab operations: Inventory of growing plants, sowed new plants, measured ambient variables
WATER USE: 1.5 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: Off
Harvest: None
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Not used today
Dual split: Off
Summary of RAM operations: Replicated a metal tab from the generator in cardboard with a cutter to test different mounting options for the sensor kit to correctly plan the EVA.
Summary of any observatory issues: Summary of any observatory issues: During captures with the deep space telescope one of two errors show up at some point during the night "Mount error” or “Camera error”. Hypothesis: the error is caused by the power switch between the battery and the generator. Questions to evaluate the hypothesis: Does the observatory have an active UPS? Could we do a controlled experiment with a very short capture and switch the power supply at a known time to see if the error shows up?
Summary of health and safety issues: None
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

GreenHab Report – October 30th

GreenHab Officer: Andres David Reina
Environmental control:
Open door: 10 am:
-     Temperature: 23,4C
-     Humidity:10%
Close door: 18:05 pm
-     Temperature: 14,7 C
-     Humidity: 12%
Hours of supplemental light: None
Daily water usage for crops: 1.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0 gallons
Water in Blue Tank 200 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: n/a
Changes to crops: A slight growth in the tomato crop. Two existing germinations with an average size of 2 cm in height.
– The greenhab was opened at 10 am. Environmental measurements of temperature and relative humidity were taken in the morning and in the afternoon at 18:05p.m. Crop inventory begins. Tomato cultivation was found distributed in 3 units. In one of these a slight growth is evident. In the others, no growth is evident.
There is a cultivation of Lettuce, thyme, chires, cilantro, cucumber, carrots. At the moment there is no evidence of germination. Radish harvest begins.

Support/supplies needed:
– Authorization and instructions are requested to operate the supplemental light times. Please
– The largest blue tank does not show any identification or crop labels present. Please confirm if this terrain can be planted.
– There is no evidence of the existence of the GreenHab notebook, please provide or indicate instructions to register the data during crops.

Astronomy Report – 30th



Name: Luis Diaz
Crew: 285
Date: 10/30/2023

Robotic Telescope Requested: MDRS-WF
Objects to be Imaged this Evening: NGC6960
Images submitted with this report: Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
Problems Encountered:
– I’m unable to properly complete the photo capture due to errors such as ‘CAMERA ERROR’ and ‘MOUNT ERROR,’ resulting in very few hours of light accumulation for each target.
– I had to crop the square-format photo to the specified resolution of 800×600. In case you require the high-resolution size and format, please feel free to ask me for it.

Solar Features Observed: –
Images submitted with this report: –
Problems Encountered: –

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