EVA Report – November 23rd

Crew 286 EVA #11 report 23-NOV-2023
EVA # 11
Author: Roger Gilbertson
Purpose of EVA: To demonstrate a simplified MASH (Mobile Analog Space Habitat) EVA mission, with four persons aboard, able to travel further than the rovers. When parked it can serve as the base station for one or more walking EVAs, allowing astronauts to return, rest and refresh aboard, then return to the MDRS habitat as needed.
Start time for EVA: 9:00 am
End time for EVA: 12:00 pm
Narrative: The four astronauts boarded the MASH unit on time, with four EVA suits, radios and chargers already aboard. They detached from the docking portal next to the Science Dome at 9:15 am, backed out, then drove down Moon Walk Road, exited the campus and drove south on Cow Dung Road to Kissing Camel. There they performed a turn-around at the previously identified location, then parked.
All astronauts suited up, then the MASH depressurized its front section, and three astronauts exited. Ducky remained aboard as local Cap-Com. Lizzy and Gee walked along the base of the nearby ridge, with Liz piloting a drone scan of the magnificent geology, while Hugo captured images of the MASH operating in the the exotic terrain.
Unexpectedly, at about 10:55 am the MASH control panel showed a “check engine light” and the engine would not start. The crew contacted Cap-com and consulted with them about the situation. Cap-com informed Mission Support, and options were discussed. Ducky suited up, depressurized, and went out to check the fluids on the vehicle, remaining fully in-sim the entire time. Oil was added to the engine, and the vehicle then restarted properly.
Filmmaker Hugo was pleased to capture an actual unexpected situation, and though it did not develop into a full “emergency,” it provided him with some moments of true drama and concern.
When all had reboarded and repressuized, they were able to have a small snack, then returned to MDRS in the comfort of the pressurized MASH interior. Redocking at the portal occurred smoothly, and the vehicle doors were opened at exactly 12:00 pm.
Destination and Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
• Kissing Camel (518250, 4249510)
EVA Participants:
• Donald Jacques
• Liz Cole
• Guillaume Gégo
• Hugo Saugier
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road south to Kissing Camel (518250, 4249510)
Mode of travel: MASH vehicle, walking (not further than 100 meters from MASH)
Vehicles you will be using: MASH

Journalist Report – November 22nd

Sol 10 Journalist Report 22-NOV-2023

Liz Cole


Scott Beibin (crew inventor) and Liz Cole (crew journalist) embarked on a morning EVA, capturing LiDAR scans and drone footage of the exteriors of the MDRS campus and facilities.

After a short break to rehydrate and recharge batteries, preparation started for the afternoon EVA.


Donald Jacques (crew executive officer) and Guillaume Gégo (crew scientist) prepared the MASH for its EVA on Sol 11. The Mobile Analog Space Habitat will serve as the base station for a walking EVA, providing an opportunity for astronauts to rest aboard the MASH after they achieve the mission of the EVA, then return to the habitat. Scott set up to perform a Ptelepathetique concert just before the Martian sunset near the Observatory dome, with Liz recording the concert with the drone camera.

We used the RAM again as the airlock to accommodate Scott’s equipment for his concert, and Don and Guillaume’s preparation for getting the MASH ready for EVA.

Roger Gilbertson (crew commander) poured his third casting for medium complexity metal castings made of bismuth.

The plants continue to sprout in the GreenHab. Our hope is to have a harvest of sprouts by Thanksgiving.

Guillaume took samples, and further readings from the purple bacteria experiment. The Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 and Rhodospirillum rubrum SH1 are both growing well.

Sol Summary – November 22nd

Crew 286 Sol 10 Summary Report 22-NOV-2023
Sol: 10
Summary Title: “Droning on the Campus”
Author’s name: Roger Gilbertson
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the EVA 9 crew realized they would not need the entire duration originally planned, and requested a later departure time to allow for better lighting of the campus structures.
Guillaume conducted a live video tour of the interior of the habitat and the various buildings, including the suiting up for the EVA 9.

Suiting up for EVA 9 went smoothly, and equipment was placed in the airlock. Their work proceeded effectively. Liz encountered some configuration errors with the drone, and eventually realized that the information provided in the manual was not entirely correct, or that something had changed from the standard settings. Many excellent scans and aerial clips were captured. They successfully returned, but five minutes past the requested ending time.
The Afternoon EVA 10 preparations for the music performance involved moving video and drone equipment to the RAM for departure. Don and Guillaume assisted with the opening of the RAM door, then went to the MASH vehicle to perform activities needed for tomorrow’s EVA 11. They completed their work in good time, then sat outside the habitat building, and had a discussion about the prospects for bringing living to Mars, which was recorded on video and audio by documentarian Hugo.
Scott and Liz moved out to the area between the two observatory domes. Liz conducted drone surveys of the buildings while Scott prepared his equipment. Liz again encountered challenges with the drone, nevertheless some excellent scans and aerial video clips were captured. Scott also encountered technical and system problems, however they were all eventually overcome, and the music performance began about 4:00 pm. The weather and lighting cooperated, and the sounds of “martian” music drifting across the surface could be heard from the Observatory dome enclosure, enveloping the observers in magical moments of calm and stillness.
After, equipment was collected and they both returned to the RAM airlock, closing the door about 5 minutes behind plan.
Roger successfully cast the third and final bismuth metal piece, and will be trimming them for final assembly this evening.

Don prepared the MASH for tomorrow morning’s proposed EVA. Discussions were held about maximizing the results of our final full sol, and the need to write up our Final Mission Report tomorrow.

SOL 10 PLAN (tomorrow, our last full day of sim): The science program will continue to monitor bacterial growth. Guillaume has a video interview in the morning. EVA 11 with the MASH vehicles is planned for 9 am to noon. We will then submit our Final Mission Report, and celebrate with a martian Thanksgiving dinner.

EXIT PLAN: At present we plan to exit sim after awaking Friday morning. We will clean, inventory, pack, and load the Crew Car. Then, as time allows, we would like to borrow the Habitat Car and conduct an out-of-sim drive to the Special Area to the north. We will return to campus by 4 PM, then depart in the Crew Car for Grand Junction.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: sunny
Crew Physical Status: nominal
EVA: EVA 9 completed, EVA 10 completed, request for EVA 11 submitted.
Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist report, Photos, Operations report, Green Hab report, EVA 9 report, EVA 10 report, EVA 11 request.
Support Requested: none

Research Report – November 24th [status draft

[category science-report]


The CO2PROT project aims to develop an efficient, sustainable and reliable Bacteriological Life Support System for manned space exploration using purple bacteria.
Purple bacteria are known for their metabolic heterogeneity, which allows for different compounds, like wastes or in situ resources, to be envisaged as substrates.
Among these, carbon dioxide remediation is by far the most attractive option, as it traps waste into potentially edible biomass. With the carbon source defined, multiple electron sources are available, but no comparative data has ever been accumulated to rule out the better option, would it be for space exploration or terrestrial applications.
In this study, three main metabolisms leading to CO2 fixation will be compared by studying the growth of purple bacteria model Rhodospirillum rubrum in:
Photoheterotrophy: High-electron-content volatile fatty acids (Butyrate/Valerate).
Photoautohydrogenotrophy: Hydrogen.
Photoautoelectrotrophy: Electron flux (current).
The bacteria will be grown inside low-cost bag photobioreactors to assess the possibility of mass-production in altered gravity, while reducing costs of terrestrial downfalls of the study. Analog missions are therefore ideal platforms to test if such installations are feasible on other planets. Since photoheterotrophy was already studied in another analog (AATC, Poland), photoautohydrogenotrophy will be tested at MDRS as a follow-up.

Figure 1: Cultivation chamber & electrolyser. Five bag bioreactors were inoculated with purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1. The carbon source used is baking soda, and the electron source is hydrogen produced via electrolysis. The bags are constantly agitated by a rocking platform, which helps solubilize the gas phase within the freshwater media. Green (525nm), Orange (592nm) and infrared (850nm) LED strips are used to supply photons to the anoxygenic photosynthesis pigments.

In the science dome, the 5 bags inoculated with purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 are continuing their growth steadily. Turbidity (optical density), measured by spectrophotometry, increased in all photobioreactors, indicating nominal conditions. One sample is taken each 24h for each bag, centrifugated, and the supernatant is separated from the pelleted bacteria, then stored at -20°C. H2 is produced using water electrolysis (300 g of NaOH in 3 L of H2O were used). H2 is supplied ad libitum daily, since the expected consumption of H2 cannot be estimated easily.
Here is a graph showing the evolution of OD (measured at 680nm) for all 5 bioreactors.

Figure 2: OD measurements between SOL 3 and 5. Growth is visible and follows known trends. Similar experiments will then be performed at the University of Mons to check the results that were obtained.

On day 9 of the experiment, the bacteria finally showed a stationary phase, indicating that the growth of the bacteria reached its peak. Final ODs oscillate around 1.2 and 1.4, with bag n°9 showing higher growth than the others. This could be due to better lighting, better agitation, or errors in measuring the OD and contamination.

Table 1: Low-cost bag photobioreactors sampling schedule.

Operations Report – November 20th

Crew 286 Operations Report 20-11-2023

SOL: 8

Name of person filing report: Donald "Duckie" Jacques

Non-nominal systems: Toilet Room door knob

Notes on non-nominal systems: It is becoming increasingly difficult to open the door. Upon inspection, I noted deep grooves in the actuator shaft for the latch, indicating the assembly is approaching end-of-life. The handle is still barely functional, however, sometimes it takes multiple attempts to open the door for exit.


Spirit rover used: No

Hours: (before EVA)

Beginning charge: (Before EVA)

Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Perseverance rover used: No


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

General notes on rovers:

Summary of Hab operations: put notes here

WATER USE: 13.07 gallons

Water (static tank): 223.250 gallons

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On

Static tank heater (On or off): On

Toilet tank emptied: Yes, in early morning

Summary of internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Nominal, all charging. One internal zipper tag was clipped, and we found it greatly improved zipper operation. I will apply tag removal to remaining suits tomorrow.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Crops watered at 5pm, Timer for supplemental lighting was prepared to operate from 6-7 pm. At time of report preparation, lights had come on.

WATER USE: 3 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: On

Harvest: None

Summary of Science Dome operations: Guillaume has been harvesting Spirulina this afternoon, and working with Roger on molds. This afternoon Roger set the molds in the oven for drying.

Dual split: Heat or AC, Of

Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done) The RAM was used as a large airlock for this morning’s EVA to great success. EVA team donned radios and suits in the downstairs of the Hab, where we completed radio checks. They then carried their helmets to the RAM. We mounted their helmets, and the team was prepared for departure. Team arrived at end of EVA with a few minutes to spare, and after re-pressurization, removed their helmets, and returned to the Hab to stow the gear.

Summary of any observatory issues: Nothing to report

Summary of health and safety issues: Immediately after entering the airlock, Liz began experiencing severe shoulder pain. The team reacted quickly to release her suit pack straps and support its weight temporarily relieving her immediate issue. Following depressurization, Liz was extricated from her helmet, and encouraged to return to the Hab and treat her muscle pain. When the remainder of the team returned, we found her somewhat recovered, and in much better spirits.

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support:

Liz reported that while the adjustment of the lower strap on her suit did provide a noticeable improvement in the muscles of the lower back, clearly additional work will be needed to realize relief for the shoulder area as well for individuals sharing her stature.

GreenHab Report – November 20th

Crew 286 GreenHab Report 20-11-2023

SOL: 8

GreenHab Officer: Donald "Duckie" Jacques

Environmental control: heater on, fan off, door closed

Average temperatures: 75 F at 9 am, 95 F at 10:30, 70 F at 5 pm

Hours of supplemental light: 1, to test timer operation from 6-7 pm

Daily water usage for crops: 3

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: 0

Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 164.6 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 5 pm

Changes to crops: None

Narrative: Supplemental Light and timer check was successful. Timer is engaged, but I have unplugged the light.

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed:

Question 1: Is there a specific schedule for the timer that should be set?

Question 2: Dr Rupert, you referred to "Vics" in your instructions. Could you clarify the term and what it refers to, please?

EVA Report – November 20th

Crew 286 EVA #7 report 20-NOV-2023

EVA # 7

Author: Roger Gilbertson

Purpose of EVA: To perform a 6-person EVA, simulating an evacuation or a group migration to a new lander that has arrived nearby. For this simulation Donald Jacques will remain in the Habitat to serve as CapCom.

Start time for EVA: 7:45 am

End time for EVA: 9:45 am

Narrative: After several EVA proposals for larger groups, and dealing with weather and comms challenges, we settled on the logistics for performing a 6-person EVA.

Mission Support gave us a favorable ground condition report, and we "go” for EVA. We suited up in the habitat, walked through the tunnels to the RAM, carrying our helmets in their cases. Once there, we finished our preparations, closed the RAM door, performed a five-minute depressurization, and rolled up the door to a glorious martian morning.

The six of us carried a substantial amount of advanced music, photo, video and audio equipment, and made our way to the hills just north of the Observatory, where Maestro Groucho setup and performed another music set, this time in the open air, with all spectators in suits. The event was recorded in a variety of media: video, 360 video, LiDAR scans, and digital audio. As the end time of our EVA approached we returned to the RAM airlock and reentered.

Destination: North side of Observatory Dome

EVA Participants:
• Scott Beibin
• Liz Cole
• Hugo Saugier
• Guillaume Gégo
• Roger Gilbertson
• Caleb Stein

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: none
Mode of travel: walking

Vehicles you will be using: none

Sol Summary – November 20th

Crew 286 Sol 08 Summary Report 20-NOV-2023

Sol: 08

Summary Title: “Again We Are Six.”

Author’s name: Roger Gilbertson

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: After dinner last night we experienced Scott (aka Groucho) performing an excellent music set in the Science Dome. He played an original composition on electronic keyboard, then played it again but engaged a specially designed digital filter which transformed the music to resemble what we would hear on the surface of Mars with its thin, cold atmosphere. After the show, we went to bed, eager to awake before sunrise, eager to hear the outdoor surface conditions report from Mission Support.

As the Sun rose above the eastern hills, we were given the "go” signal for our six-person EVA. But before leaving the habitat, we said goodbye to our visiting photographer Andrea, who was leaving sim so she could document our EVA, unencumbered by a suit. (As has been done with previous visiting media.) Her companion Caleb remained in-sim and joined us on our EVA. From then on Andrea was only a “ghost” and a fond memory.

Suited up, we walked to the RAM, carrying our helmets in their cases, then finished our preparations, closed the RAM door, performed a five-minute depressurization, and rolled up the door to a glorious martian morning.

The six of us carried a substantial amount of advanced music, photo, video and audio equipment, and made our way to the hills just north of the Observatory, where Maestro Groucho setup and performed another music set, this time in the open air, with all spectators in suits. As the end time of our EVA approached we returned to the RAM airlock and reentered.

The rest of the day involved various interior activities: vacuuming and sweeping the substantial amount of dirt that made its way in after the rains turned the surface to mud, sampling the prolific spirulina growth in the Science Dome and drying it so it can be returned to Cécile Renauld (MDRS 261 scientist and PhD candidate at University of Mons), video interviews, LiDAR scanning of the MASH vehicle, and casting of the 2nd half of the metal fabrication demonstration. We also learned that when reconstituted, dehydrated butter makes a very good mold release compound.
Look Ahead Plan: The science program will continue to monitor bacterial growth. Plaster molds are drying in preparation for a test metal casting, and we are mapping out the rest of our activities for the remaining sols.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: sunny

Crew Physical Status: nominal

EVA: EVA 7 completed, request for EVA 8 submitted for tomorrow

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Journalist report, Photos, Operations report, Green Hab report, EVA 7 summary, EVA 8 request.

Support Requested: none

Mid-mission Research Report – November 19th

[category science-report]



Mars Desert Research Station Crew 286

Sunday November 12 to Saturday November 25, 2023

Report Date: 19-Nov-2023 – Sol: 07

Roger Gilbertson Commander
Donald Jacques Executive Officer, Crew Engineer
Liz Cole Health & Safety Officer, Crew Journalist
Guillaume Gégo Crew Scientist
Scott Beibin Crew Astronomer, Artist In Residence
Hugo Saugier Documentary Filmmaker

The six person crew of MDRS 286 came from individual applicants and invited people. We represent a range of cultures, talents, experiences, backgrounds, and varied interests.

Since our arrival we have received habitat orientation, EVA training, conducted extended training for radio communications, and have performed six EVAs to date.

We have started our broad range of science, technology, and art projects including:

• Bacterial growth experiment helpful for creating closed-loop life support systems
• Planning for an extended range EVA using the MASH (Mobile Analog Space Habitat) vehicle
• Technology demonstrations collecting and studying some in situ resources
• LiDAR scanning of local geological features
• Extensive videography of all aspects of habitat and EVA operations
• Daily media updates
• Daily monitoring of the environmental and life systems aboard the MASH

In general, we have proceeded efficiently and effectively. However rain began on Sol 6, cutting short our EVA #6, and introducing uncertainty for the timing of future planned exterior activities.

Additionally, we are currently hosting two visiting photographers sent by the New York Times, Andrea Orejarena and Caleb Stein. They arrived the morning of Sol 4, and have remained fully “in sim” with us for their entire stay. They successfully adapted to many challenges of using their professional camera equipment while constrained by space suits while on EVA. They plan to depart tomorrow, the morning of Sol 8.


Visiting photographers Caleb and Andrea on EVA at Marble Ritual.

PROJECT 1: CO2 Fixation by Purple Bacteria for Space Food Production: A Comparison of Three Electron Sources & Terrestrial Applications.

Lead: Guillaume Gégo

Background: Master degree in Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology at UMONS, BE.

Process: The CO2PROT project aims to develop an efficient, sustainable and reliable Bacteriological Life Support System for manned space exploration using purple bacteria. Purple bacteria are known for their metabolic heterogeneity, which allows for different compounds, like wastes or in situ resources, to be envisaged as substrates.

Among these, carbon dioxide remediation is by far the most attractive option, as it traps waste into potentially edible biomass. With the carbon source defined, multiple electron sources are available, but no comparative data has ever been accumulated to rule out the better option, would it be for space exploration or terrestrial applications.

In this study, three main metabolisms leading to CO2 fixation will be compared by studying the growth of purple bacteria model Rhodospirillum rubrum in:
• Photoheterotrophy: High-electron-content volatile fatty acids (Butyrate/Valerate).
• Photoautohydrogenotrophy: Hydrogen.
• Photoautoelectrotrophy: Electron flux (current).

The bacteria will be grown inside low-cost bag photobioreactors to assess the possibility of mass-production in altered gravity, while reducing costs of terrestrial downfalls of the study. Analog missions are therefore ideal platforms to test if such installations are feasible on other planets. Since photoheterotrophy was already studied in another analog (AATC, Poland), photoautohydrogenotrophy will be tested at MDRS as a follow-up.

Left: Cultivation chamber & electrolyser. Five bag bioreactors were inoculated with purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1. The carbon source used is baking soda, and the electron source is hydrogen produced via electrolysis. The bags are constantly agitated by a rocking platform, which helps solubilize the gas phase within the freshwater media. Green (525nm), Orange (592nm) and infrared (850nm) LED strips are used to supply photons to the anoxygenic photosynthesis pigments.
Right: Hydrogen electrolysis system.

In the science dome, the five bags inoculated with purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 are growing well. Turbidity (measurable optical density), measured using spectrophotometry, increased in all photobioreactors, on average from 0.12 to 0.25, an approximate doubling in 12 hours. One sample is taken each 24h for each bag, centrifugated, and the supernatant is separated from the pelleted bacteria, then stored at -20°C. H2 is supplied ad libitum daily, since the expected consumption of H2 cannot be estimated easily.

Another shipment from the University of St. Louis of Rhodospirillum rubrum SH1 inocula arrived on Sol 4. Looking ahead to the week’s progress with the experiment, the plan is for the Rhodospirillum rubrum SH1 to be inoculated in five photobioreactor bags and fed freshly generated hydrogen.

Tables 1 & 2: Sampling schedule and spectrophotometry measurement results (OD).

Figure 2: OD measurements between SOL 3 and 5. Growth is visible and follows known trends. Similar experiments will be performed at the University of Mons to confirm these results.

– # –

PROJECT 2: Performing Extended Extra-Vehicular Activities Using a Mobile Analog Space Habitat

Lead: Donald Jacques

Background: EVA’s at MDRS are constrained by the range of the rovers, time necessary to recharge the batteries, as well as the physical strain on participating crew members, exposed to the elements during travel, much less being able to replenish food, air, water during an extended EVA.

Update: We have defined the logistics of preparing the MASH for the excursion, and are developing the EVA Requests to execute during the second half of our mission. Seating for the EVA team members in the cockpit has been completed. A preparation EVA the day before will be necessary to retract the solar panels, for departure. Then on the day of departure, suits, radios, chargers, and personnel will board. The plan is to traverse to the destination, suit up, execute the first EVA, then return to the MASH for a sack lunch and suit/radio charging time; then execute a second EVA, followed by a return to the hab in the afternoon. This is of course dependent on weather conditions.


Command section of the Mobile Analog Space Habitat (MASH)

– # –

PROJECT 3: Creating High Resolution Interactive Digital Assets of MDRS and Local Geological Sites Using 3D Scanning techniques.

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and other techniques can be used for accurately creating detailed high resolution digital twins that can be utilized for remote study of objects and landscapes. This can include examining equipment that has undergone stresses (rocket motors, fuel tanks, protective shielding) and looking at geological features. The advantage of having high resolution scans is that there can be coordination of examinations between explorers on Mars as well as remote support teams on Earth and elsewhere. Currently I have been using a variety of LiDAR devices for my own archaeological explorations.

Update: So far on the mission I have had three successful outings where I’ve used LiDAR to scan geological features. To do landscape LiDAR scanning of outdoor locations I’ve been a custom built jib consisting of a two meter long extendable pole fashioned from a modified monopod upon which is mounted are two pulleys. At the end of the far pulley I mount an iPhone 14 which is used for scanning. This enables me to have a greater reach where I am able to capture more details.

So far LiDAR scanning has happened in 3 locations on 3 separate EVAs:

• Sol 1 – EVA 1 Marble Ritual: Reconnaissance done using iPhone 14 for test scans – accompanied by 360 video.

• Sol 2 – EVA 3 – Mailbox Rock: Detailed scanning of a large area containing many interesting and colorful geological features and surface textures in the proximity of Zubrin’s Head.

• Sol 4 – EVA 4 – Clay Gathered on MDRS campus: Clay was gathered and geotagged near the Science Dome from a dry streambed. Samples will be prepared for 3D clay printing on the Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2 Goostruder.

Various technical problems were identified and solutions will be implemented on future scans, including the use of a drone camera for improved scanning results.

Image 1. Marble Ritual features. Scan by Scott Beibin

Image 2: Mailbox Rock. Scan by Scott Beibin.

Image 3. Scan of stream bed near Science Dome. By Scott Beibin.

Image 4: MDRS 286 Crew Member Scott Beibin LiDAR scanning a stream bed. Photo by Liz Cole.

– # –

PROJECT 4: Producing Functional Artifacts Using Local Clay Resources and a 3D Extrusion Printer

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: This project proposes collecting local clay and gypsum from the vicinity of MDRS and processing it into 3D printed objects intended for either durability or ecologically minded disposability. I have designed a 3D plotter/printer that will be used for this project (Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2 Goostruder).

Update: Some equipment was damaged in transit and needed some soldering and structural repairs. All is working fine now. On Sol 4 EVA #4 we gathered and geotagged the locations of clay samples taken from stream beds around MDRS near the Science Dome.

Next I will begin to crumble the samples into a powder and separate the clay from the sand, then suspend the sifted material in water and wait for it to settle. Once settled, I will pour off the water and put the remaining material into a cloth bag. I will squeeze out all of the moisture to reveal the clay. I will experiment with various thicknesses of the clay then insert into 60ml syringes which I will insert into the Goostruder on the Mandelbot Ecotech SURFA2.

Geotagged soil samples

– # –

PROJECT 5: Using Local Gypsum Resources to Produce Molds for Metal Casting

Lead: Roger Gilbertson

Background: Residents of Mars will utilize local resources as much as possible. After fulfilling their original purposes, metal items brought from Earth can be melted and reformed into other useful items. The age-old techniques of mold making and metal casting will find new uses on Mars.

Update: The project originally proposed collecting local gypsum from the vicinity of MDRS, however since previous missions have located, collected and processed gypsum into plaster, in order to conserve EVA and lab time, I decided to use commercially prepared plaster instead of creating it here.

The “original” of the test component was 3D printed in PLA plastic, then pressed into a mold form containing thickening plaster. When dried, the original was removed, and the resulting plaster mold half cleaned and baked in a science dome oven at 250 °F for two hours. Next steps include: preparing the second half of the mold, then filling it with low-melting temperature non-toxic bismuth metal to make a component. If time allows, three identical pieces will be cast and assembled.

Left: Mold form with thickening plaster and PLA original. Right: Dried first mold half.

– # –

PROJECT 6: Mars Academy – A Documentary Film About ESA Scientist Claude Chipaux and the Past, Present and Future of Mars Life Sciences

Lead: Hugo Saugier

Background: When my grandfather Claude died in 2010, I discovered that he was the founder of a research program of the European Space Agency, dedicated to the question of the autonomy of the crews of long journeys in space. I then understood that the popular figure of the high-tech astronaut is gradually changing, being replaced by a new kind of galactic explorers: astronaut-farmers. For a while, I didn’t know what to do with such a heritage, until I recently decided to write a movie about Mars dreamers in which my grandfather would be one of the characters.

Update: I’ve been shooting great images of people in sim, doing their work and during their daily routine. One thing that specifically hit me up is how the group members have really different backgrounds but are complementary. In these conditions, I need to be particularly quick, organized and reactive as things go fast and people are always doing interesting things. Sound is not always easy to handle but recording walkie talkies sound is surprisingly easy and provides good results. My goal for the second part of the stay is to continue to collect as much footage as I need, which is pretty much a challenge regarding the time remaining.


Hugo filming and recording audio.


Sunrise viewed from the RAM.


Guillaume in the Science Dome.


Setting out on an EVA in a two-person electric rover.


Roger, Hugo and Guillaume rest and converse at Marble Ritual.

– # –

PROJECT 7: Simulating Acoustics of Mars for an Outdoor Martian Music Performance

Lead: Scott Beibin

Background: Using recordings from the electret microphone mounted on the Supercam on the Perseverance Rover a ground truth for the modeling of acoustic processes in the environment on Mars was characterized for the first time in the audible range and beyond (20 Hz to 50 kHz). SuperCam’s microphone recorded air pressure fluctuations from 20 Hz to 12.5 kHz or 50 kHz, at sampling rates of 25 kHz or 100 kHz. Recordings of the Ingenuity rotorcraft and laser-induced sparks were used as reference sources of sound.

It was discovered that:
• The acoustic impedance of the martian atmosphere results in approximately 20 dB weaker sounds on Mars than on Earth – if produced by the same source.
• The acoustic attenuation range on Mars was discovered to be roughly between 20Hz to 20kHz.
• Two different speeds of sound were observed on Mars. Low-pitched sounds travel at about 537 mph (240 meters per second), while higher-pitched sounds move at 559 mph (250 meters per second) because of the low-pressure 96 percent CO2-dominated atmosphere (compared to 0.04 percent CO2 on Earth).
• The atmospheric pressure on Mars is about 0.6 kPa (170 times lower than on Earth).

Process: Using the data that was published in Journal Nature [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04679-0] and on the Nasa website [https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/participate/sounds] I collaborated with audio engineer John Knott to create a filter in a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that accurately simulates the way sound travels on Mars.

Update: All music, audio recording, video and other sensor gear has been assembled and tested for the Ptelepathetique musical performance. The reconnaissance EVA on Sol 6 to scout for a suitable location for the Ptelepathetique Martian Music performance located has been delayed due to dangerous conditions created by rain resulting in slippery mud around MDRS.

Because of this we will need to delay the outdoor performance which was to take place tonight (Sol7).

We plan a Ptelepathetique music performance in the science dome tonight demonstrating the simulation of sounds as would be heard in the atmosphere of Mars via the custom software filter that I created with audio engineer John Knott.

If conditions allow, we plan to do an early morning EVA tomorrow (Sol 8) for a “sunrise” music set.

Planning diagrams for the technical setup of all the gear necessary for the performance.

– # –

PROJECT 8: Documenting the MDRS Mission 286 Adventure in Words and Images

Lead: Liz Cole

Background: Life in the constraints of the Martian environment requires a shift to more sustainable life support systems such as vegan and plant based food production and building with local resources. Crew 286 of MDRS is developing various technologies to support life on Mars while addressing Earth’s most pressing environmental problems. Documenting the crew conducting their research, EVAs and life throughout the course of the mission will highlight the work of researchers at MDRS.

Update: So far I have produced posts for each Sol, giving a narrative of what happened on each Sol, documenting the progress of the crew’s experiments and projects thus far into the mission, and documenting the crew’s experiences conducting EVAs, learning comms protocols, developing resource conservation protocols inside the simulation, and other activities inside the simulation.

I have recorded interviews with Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo who explained the progress of his experiment exploring CO2 fixation by purple bacteria for space food production, and recorded interviews with Crew Artist Scott Beibin on his progress creating high resolution interactive digital assets of the MDRS habitat and facilities and local geological sites using 3D scanning techniques, and simulating the acoustics of Mars for an outdoor Martian music performance. Many crew meetings, including the practice drills of EVA communications, have also been recorded.


Looking ahead to the second half of the mission, I plan interviews with Crew Commander Roger Gilbertson, Crew Executive Officer and Engineer Donald Jacques and Crew Documentary Filmmaker Hugo Saugier. Follow up interviews with Guillaume and Scott on the progress of their experiments and projects will be done in the second half of the mission.


Interview with Mars Society Belgium, where they will host Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo, for a live conversation on the Mars Society Belgium Facebook page on Thursday November 23rd at 9am MST.

Interview with Journal des Enfants (https://www.jde.fr/) and Crew Scientist Guillaume Gégo on Monday November 20th at 9am MST. This is a publication for kids aged 8 to 12, so this interview seeks to inspire young people to dream of becoming astronauts and scientists.

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PROJECT 9: Evaluating Performance of Biological Life Support Components Installed within the Mobile Analog Space Habitat

Lead: Donald Jacques

Background: A Biological Regenerative Life Support System needs to provide not only environmental support for a team, but a variety of food, water processing, and waste processing. The Mobile Analog Space Habitat is equipped with a min-farm containing many species that interact in order to process a circular economy of nutrients, water, wastes, and air.

Update: Upon arrival and docking at MDRS, the MASH mini-farm was equipped with two (2) operating PhotoBioreactor with spirulina culture medium; a fish pond containing a population of approximately 55 blue nile tilapia, twelve (12) quail residing above a marsh area, 100 meal worms, 100 red wiggler worms, and a garden partially planted with food crops. This experiment represents the first time the MASH has integrated all these species in a semi-closed environment.

During the first few days of the mission each population continued to thrive, while a third PhotoBioreactor was being prepared for inoculation, additional crop seedlings were transferred from the seed trays into the media bed, and kitchen wastes were introduced to the worm bins. A noticeable odor began to appear at Sol 3, as well as increased turbidity in the fish pond. Closer evaluation revealed that the both the quail and tilapia populations were too large, and generating greater guano than anticipated for the system to absorb. A cascade failure, increasing ammonia far beyond the ability for the media bed to remediate, precipitated the loss of a total of 65 tilapia. At Mid-Mission, the quail continue to thrive, as are the crops, the worms, and the spirulina. Additionally, at Sol 4, the amount of kitchen wastes from the hab exceeded the capacity of the system to absorb.

Future remediation will begin with 1) 50% reductions in both tilapia and quail populations, 2) Increase in both worm populations by at least 200%, 3) addition of the population of Black Soldier Fly Larvae to the toilet as additional composters, 4) the addition of a two chamber sump between the marsh and the garden to facilitate transitioning the guano to the compost bins, 5) additional water volume in the sumps to increase bacterial load for ammonia processing.


Three PhotoBioreactor tubes aboard the MASH.


Enclosures for tilapia (lower left), mealworms, (middle left), and quail (upper right).


Planting beds aboard the MASH.

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We look forward to continuing and completing our projects in the remaining sols we have at MDRS.

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