Operations Report December 13th

Crew 200 Operations Report 13-Dec-2018

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report: Antoine Bocquier

Non-nominal systems: generator autostart
Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): From 5:30 pm last night to around 9 am today (SOC was still at 68% this morning). On tonight at 4:50pm.

Solar— SOC 77%
Diesel Reading – 100 % (refilled)
Propane Reading – 27 %
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons

Water (auxillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 340 gallons
Auxillary to Static tank transfer – no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – high level
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 3

Toilet tank emptied: yes

Deimos rover used: no, still not functional
Hours: 141.5
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 70%
Currently charging: no

Sojourner rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: 43
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: 62.1
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: yes (by media and us)
Hours: 42.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 72%
Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: 58.8
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: Rovers were used today by the media, we used Opportunity for our planned EVA, whose batteries did pretty well.
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were taken out of active service and are now parked away from the station

HabCar used and why, where? No
CrewCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: We repaired a tarp this morning, on the RAM tunnel. No issues to report with the heater.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: we performed an EVA this afternoon (we had to delay it as the media were recording this morning, approved by Shannon. Spacesuit 3 still not functional. On the one piece suits, it may be useful to have a chine guard to prevent the chine to hurt the bottom of the helmet especially when driving (mostly for short people).

Summary of Hab operations: repaired a tarp.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Regular activities

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report, will be cleaned up.

Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal. Robotic Observatory – Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

Operations Report – December 12th

Crew 200 Operations Report 12-Dec-2018

SOL: 10

Name of person filing report: Antoine Bocquier

Non-nominal systems: generator autostart
Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): From 5 pm last night to 10:40 am (SOC was still
at 78% this morning, not changing from yesterday night). On tonight at

Solar— SOC 72%
Diesel Reading – 100 % (refilled)
Propane Reading – 30 %
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons

Water (auxillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 350 gallons
Auxillary to Static tank transfer – no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – high level
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 3

Toilet tank emptied: no

Deimos rover used: no, still not functional
Hours: 141.5
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 70%
Currently charging: no

Sojourner rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: 60.0
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 54%
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: 41.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 88%
Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: yes (by media)
Hours: not checked
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: not checked
Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: Rovers were used today by the media, we could not use
Opportunity for our planned EVA as they were using it. Curiosity was
not present at the base when we came back from EVA, where we checked
the batteries levels.
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were taken out of active service and are now
parked away from the station

HabCar used and why, where? No
CrewCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: This afternoon and evening are very windy,
we had to securize some of the tunnels tarps with zips. One on the RAM
tunnel had to be removed and placed in the RAM. Temperature in the hab
dropped from 23°C to 19°C, heater is working, it is improving.

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: we performed an EVA this morning to
study the radio coverage, everything was alright. Ventilation of
spacesuit 10 sometimes stops before starting later. Spacesuit 3 still
not functional.

Summary of Hab operations: we catched a mouse yesterday night, which
we released today far from the Hab during EVA.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Regular activities

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal.
Robotic Observatory – Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

EVA Report – December 12th

Crew 200 EVA Report 12-12-2018

EVA #5

Author: Antoine Bocquier

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations that allow radio communication
between EVA crew and HabCom around Phobos Peak 2) Test how EVAs can
safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crew, including
rover use.

Start time: 10:35

End time: 12:30

Narrative: The media filming around the Hab this morning, we had to
delay a bit our planned EVA. In addition, in agreement with Shannon
they were using the rovers, so we had to change our plans and perform
a walking EVA. We chose to go to Phobos Peak, which we could not reach
on our EVA monday, to map the radio coverage.
The walking went very fine (30mn to get to Phobos Peak), once there,
we walked north up to Mountain Goat Trail before coming back to the
Hab by the north. Radio link was pretty clear all along, we estimated
that Phobos Peak could be a very good location to settle a radio relay
(to explore eastern areas) and may be accessible on its northern side.
We are currently processing the acquired data (radio check every 2mn +
GPS positions) to complete our radio coverage map.

Destination: Phobos Peak + Southern part of Mountain Goat Trail

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 519500 E – 4250500 N

Participants: Lindsay, Antoine

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : N/A

Mode of travel: walking

Sol Summary – December 12th

Crew 200 Sol Summary 12Dec2018

Crew 200 Sol Summary Report 12-DEC-2018

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Exploring Phobos Peak and examining unusual objects
collected during EVA

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: All crew members are happy and healthy

Sol Activity Summary: Each morning, the first object I see when I look
out the east window is the silhouette of Phobos Peak Rock as the
rising sun lights it up from behind. We had a beautiful sunrise this
morning and Phobos Peak Rock emerged all the more majestic than usual.
I was happy to remember that it was our approved geographical
destination for our EVA. We conducted another 3 crew EVA and walked to
Phobos Peak. We then explored its surrounding areas, discovering a
curious aluminum object near the peak, which we returned to the
habitat for investigation. Winds became violent shortly after our
return, but we celebrated our successful EVA safely inside our habitat
with a dish of quinoa peppered with oregano from the GreenHab.

Look Ahead Plan: We will continue conducting 3 crew EVAs and mapping
radio strength and connectivity. We will also continue our
collaborative projects.

Anomalies in work: Heavy winds caused minor damage in the tunnels,
which we repaired. Heating system in the habitat has been working on
and off; it appears to be working now but we will continue monitoring

Weather: Snow melting; clear in the morning but clouds and heavy winds
developed in the early afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.

EVA: A walking EVA was conducted at and around Phobos Peak. We
continued our communication protocol to assess radio strength and
connectivity in areas around the habitat. Our EVA was almost exactly
two hours.

Reports to be file: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request,
GreenHab Report, Pictures Report, Journalist Report, Sol Report

Support Requested: N/A

Journalist Report – December 12th

As we prepare for breakfast, we decide on which Rovers we would like
to take on today’s EVA. I look out the window. The rovers are gone. I
suppose the robots are using them…

So change of plans. We have to do a walking EVA. Well, THEY do. It’s
my turn to do HabCom!I’ve been looking forward to this. Not because I
don’t like to walk around in a clunky spacesuit (I’d be on the wrong
planet if I did), but because I can get a different perspective as an
observer and director. I get Antoine and Lindsay set up with their
gloves and comms, squirming around their ECLSS backpacks. I allow them
to enter the airlock and begin depressurization. I look above through
the window to see them walk down the balcony and off to Phobos Peak.

It’s a rather boring HabCom. All of the places the team went to had at
least comprehend-able connection, though I suppose it is good to know
where we still have great coverage. I’m happy with my team, conducting
another successful mission.

The day is spreading by, the days are moving faster. Is tomorrow
Thursday? Is it really that close? I think of my home, my parents
eager to see me for Christmas. My friends who are done with finals and
can finally hang out. I feel the crisp chill of a Texas winter. It was
a distant thought only a few days ago, but now it’s nearly tangible.

I wonder if I will ever be here again. If this moment on the dusty
planet will be my last.
Even more pressing, I wonder if my work here will make a difference.

“You are clear to enter the airlock”

An abrupt wind storm sweeps the region. The tunnels that connect the
secure building are shaking. Antoine goes out to fix it. Realizing the
severity, he calls for help. Lindsay starts to put on her coat. Do I
go? Should I stay? What if the tunnel rips apart and I’m the only one
alive? I end up following them after a few minutes. The wind is strong
and rattling the whole structure. We make the decision to come back
inside, it’d be better to wait the storm than be so vulnerable.

Mars is not safe. There are people back home depending on our sense of
precaution and protocol to come back home. Moments like these make me
think of the real scenario, if I can make the calls to make sure that

Sometimes, I hope Mars will be boring.

Makiah Eustice

Greenhab Report – December 12th

Crew 200 Greenhab Report 12-DEC-2018
Greenhab Officer:
Makiah Eustice
Environmental Control:
40% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 24 C
High: 54 C
Hours of Supplemental Light:
Daily Water Usage of Crops:
8 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (lbs):
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
Everything seems to be operating normally.
1.1 g Oregano
Support/Supplies Needed:

Operations Report – December 11th

Crew 200 Operations Report 11-Dec-2018

SOL: 9

Name of person filing report: Antoine Bocquier

Non-nominal systems: generator autostart
Notes on non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): From 4:50 pm last night to 8:10 am. On tonight at 5 pm.

Solar— SOC 78%
Diesel Reading – 24 %
Propane Reading – 31 %
Ethanol Free Gasoline – N/A gallons

Water (auxillary tank) – 0 gallons
Water (static tank) – 350 gallons
Auxillary to Static tank transfer – no
Gallons transferred: 0
Water in GreenHab – high level
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Water Meter: 2

Toilet tank emptied: no

Deimos rover used: no, still not functional
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 71%
Currently charging: no

Sojourner rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Spirit rover used: no
Hours: 59.6
Beginning charge:
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: yes
Hours: 41.4
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 67%
Currently charging: yes

Curiosity rover used: yes
Hours: 57.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 57%
Currently charging: yes

Notes on rovers: We were a bit surprised by how fast Curiosity rover’s battery was going down (down to 57% after 30mn)
# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0
Notes on ATVs: ATVs were taken out of active service and are now parked away from the station

HabCar used and why, where? No
CrewCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: Eveything looks fine

Summary of internet: Nothing to report.

Summary of suits and radios: we performed an EVA this morning to study the radio coverage, everything was alright. Ventilation of spacesuit 3 still not functional (I tried with another charger)

Summary of Hab operations: everything is fine, living, cooking and sleeping are still pleasant.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Regular activities

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Nothing to report.

Summary of RAM operations: Nothing to report

Summary of any observatory issues: Musk Solar observatory – Nominal. Robotic Observatory – Nominal, stayed closed during the day, is now open.

Summary of health and safety issues: Nothing to report

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: Nothing to report

EVA Report – December 11th

Crew 200 EVA Report 11-12-2018

EVA #4

Author: Antoine Bocquier

Purpose of EVA: 1) Map out locations that allow radio communication between EVA crew and HabCom, in northern and southern regions 2) Test how EVAs can safely and effectively be conducted with three-member crew, including rover use.

Start time: 9:10

End time: 10:55

Narrative: After the engineering tour, we drove with Curiosity to the north, then to the south to explore and map the regions of communication strength/readibility. We applied a communication protocol to control the radio strength/readability (QSA/QRK codes) every minute and communicate GPS coordinates every 5mn.
We first drove to Galileo road, planning to stop for a short walk at Connector Stream Bed. However we did not find both of them, being focused on our communication test protocol and with the recent snow melting. We went further than expected to the north, up to cowboy’s corner where we stopped as we realized from the transmitted coordinates that we were too far.
On our way back to the Hab to change the rover and go to the south, we confirmed the location of Connector Stream Bed. Arrived at the Hab at 9:50, we took Opportunity to go to Robert’s Rock Garden, applying the same communication protocol. From there we walked along Kissing Camel Ridge Edge to complete yesterday’s mapping of this area. We then drove back and came back on time at the Hab. Analysis of the acquired data is in process and the first results are promising!

Destination: Galileo Road (up to Cowboy Corner) + Robert’s Rock Garden

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518000 E – 4249300 N to 519000 E – 4252500 N

Participants: Makiah, Antoine

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Cow Dung Road by driving, walking along Kissing Camel East Ridge

Mode of travel: driving, walking

Sol Summary – December 11th

Sol: 9

Summary Title: First 3 crew EVA using rovers.

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: All crew members are happy after 3 crew EVA using rovers.

Sol Activity Summary: We conducted a 3 crew EVA today using rovers and
continued mapping communication strength and readibility. We realized
yesterday that we did not document any photos during our first 3 crew
EVA because we were concentrating on our communication protocol.
Today, we reserved extra time at the beginning and end of our EVA to
better document it with photos. After our EVA, we added our newest
observations about 3 crew EVAs to a list we are keeping this week and
will share at the end of our mission. We continued plotting the radio
test values we collected during our EVA onto maps and collaborating
with projects in the habitat. We also caught a habitat mouse today;
tomorrow, we will remove it a significant distance from the habitat as
per protocol. We will be careful to monitor and report any other
problematic pests around the habitat.

Look Ahead Plan: We plan to continue mapping the radio connectivity
between EVA crew and HabCom in northern and southern areas and testing
how to safely and effectively conduct 3 crew EVAs. We will also
continue plotting our tested radio connectivity values onto maps
together and collaborating between projects in the habitat and

Anomalies in work: Mouse was found in a trap inside the habitat. We
will follow protocol and remove it during our EVA tomorrow.

Weather: Cold, muddy from snow melt.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.

EVA: Crew completed an EVA with 2 members outside and 1 member in the
habitat. EVA members performed an engineering check, drove north with
Curiosity to Cowboys’ corner (this was further than intended due to
recent snow melting obstructing landmarks), returned to the habitat,
switched rovers, drove south with Opportunity to Robert’s Rock Garden,
walked along Kissing Camel Ridge, returned to the habitat, took
several photos to document our 3 crew EVA. We applied our
communication and GPS coordinate relay system throughout the EVA.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request,
GreenHab Report, Pictures Report, Journalist Report, Sol Report

Support Requested: N/A

Journalist Report – December 11th

Crew 200 Journalist Report 11-DEC-2018

*In spoken word format*

Where would I be if I chose education over learning?
I would have arose this morning, on Earth.
I would’ve taken the exam that kept me on Earth, yesterday.
Because all things considered, at the end of the day,
I am here for school.
A professor will rule a grade that affects my career.
My research on Mars doesn’t get graded at the end of year.
The rules say I’m a student before an engineer.

Well, this isolation does something at MDRS, especially for the
engineering mind.
Where the problem is undefined.
The method is up to you,
but the solution is experience and time.

At the end of the day,
when you take your course books offline,
your education is now experiential
Your learning has boundless potential

Heat Transfer lessons leap off binded textbooks
As Antoine finds nooks in the Hab to refine his model.
Computer Science lab is now carried
by Lindsay’s work to meet the need
of a report reading software.
Everyday, we code through another layer.

I’m on EVA, my phone on display to the GPS received from 16 of 23 satellites
I learned about in a lecture in class. I might
lose signal with the Hab Com, but we have protocol,
procedures, to anticipate all
scenarios so we can come home safe.
We did. Not a minute too soon or too late.

Do I have my priorities straight?
Would it have been better to wait until I graduate?
Or until I have Dr. in front of my name,
Where a professor would have respect for me same?
When the difference between Mars and Earth
is only a final examination,
I will choose learning over education.

Makiah Eustice

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